We are pleased to introduce the British Columbia Food Protection Association (BCFPA), an affiliate of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP). IAFP has over 4000 members in 50 nations. BCFPA is an association with a diverse membership from industry, government, academia, equipment manufacturers and other allied supplier and service companies. Our members are engaged in quality control, food production and processing, regulatory and private contract inspections, consulting, risk assessment, research and development, microbiological research, manufacturing plant management and operations, technical services and HACCP. They supply products and services dedicated to education, research and development of food safety.
The BCFPA is active in educating and informing members about important issues impacting the food industry. We host local food safety speaker's evenings for our members, the industry and interested public. Educational sessions are dedicated to the timely coverage of key issues or hot topics that cater to a broad mix of attendees. Quality Assurance, HACCP, Sanitation, Food Safety Education, Bio-terrorism, Food Processing, Risk Assessment, Food Formulation, Microbiological Concerns, Foodborne illness, and Epidemiology are just some of the more recent topics presented at the meetings. We continue to represent the industry where possible, support scientific research and offer opportunities to students enrolled in studies related to food safety.
Our sustaining members have the interests of their industry and consumers at heart. Each is pledged to the highest standards of hygiene and quality control and to always provide nutritious and healthy products. All BCFPA members are eligible to participate by attending Board Meetings, joining a BCFPA committee or taking an available seat on the Executive Board.
Membership in the BC Food Protection Association can put you in charge of your career. From quick access to cutting edge technical and scientific information to contact with a diverse membership network all with food safety as a prime interest, becoming a member is your link to the food safety industry and a clearinghouse of resources. It increases your knowledge and offers ideas that you can implement in your work environment.
"To provide a forum to exchange information on protecting the food supply."